HVO available now!

We are expanding our portfolio to include HVO, the innovative diesel fuel made from renewable raw materials. Interested in travelling sustainably in the future? All information and contact details can be found on our HVO related website.

Fuels & energy solutions

Fuels & energy solutions
of Mabanaft Deutschland

We supply our customers with a wide range of fuel solutions and heating oil. These include diesel fuel, petrol, jet fuel, bunker oil and biofuels such as HVO or biodiesel/FAME.

High quality standards

High quality standards

Our products meet or exceed all applicable quality and European environmental standards. All products are continually and carefully analysed and checked using the latest technology. This is done at the “Gesellschaft fuer Mineraloel-Analytik und Qualitaetsmanagement” (GMA) laboratory in Frankfurt/Main, among other places. GMA is DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 accredited by DAkkS (Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH), Germany’s national accreditation body.  

The name Mabanaft stands for quality, as evidenced among other things by our ISO 9001 certification.

Large supply network

Large supply network

Our large supply network of terminals and sales offices enables us to guarantee on-time delivery as well as high product quality. We expect this high level of quality from ourselves as well as from our suppliers and partners.

Reliable sources

Reliable sources

We source the petroleum products and biofuels we trade from refineries and facilities in Germany, Europe and in some cases from overseas. We then transport the goods to the tank terminals or distribution sites by ship, tank cars or pipeline.


In Germany the European standard DIN EN 228 regulates the quality of unleaded gasoline/petrol, which is compulsory under the 10th BImSchV (Federal Emissions Protection Act). Regular gasolines supplied at filling stations are Super 95 RON, Super E10 95 RON and 98 RON Super Plus.
Heating oil
Heating oil
The standard heating oil is extra-light heating oil, which in Germany is defined in DIN 51603-1. Heavy fuel oil, defined in Germany in DIN 51603-3, is primarily used in the chemicals industry, but also in the iron, steel and electricity industry.
Diesel fuel
Diesel fuel
The requirement that diesel fuel sold at public filling stations must comply with DIN EN 590 is anchored in the 10th BImSchV (Federal Emissions Protection Act), which implements European Directive 98/70/EC. Up to 7 vol.% biodiesel can be included in diesel fuel in accordance with DIN EN 14214.
Marine fuels
Marine fuels
Marine fuels (cf. DIN ISO 8217), also called bunker fuels, are generally divided into two different classes: heavy fuel oil (HFO) and distillates.
Liquid biofuels who are used in the mobility sector include biodiesel/FAME, edible oils, HVO and bioethanol.
Aviation fuels
Aviation fuels
Aviation fuels are fuels used for aircraft propulsion. For civil aviation, this is primarily jet fuel.

Product info

More information about liquid fuels you will find in our industry glossary.
